Thursday, November 29, 2007

Day 25

Yesterday was very different as I spent most of the time sleeping or resting. I was not feeling great and the Dr was able to give me a different script for some naeusea medication and it seemed to work well. After the treatment, I went home and slept for a couple hours and then watched some holiday shows with the kids and then went back to sleep. I'm feeling okay today and I am at the point where it started to get bad during the first cycle. Drinking water and juice taste like crap but I need to stay hydrated and there is nothing I want to eat.

Heather will be in town tomorrow and will be able to get a good understanding of what this is like. Right now, it's mainly resting as it wears you out.

We did watch 2 movies this week, Inside Man and Deja Vu, both with Denzel Washington. They were both pretty good and, if I am up to it today, I might watch Breach.

Talk to you soon.

Sam Williams
Mercury Transaction Services


Gayle Carrigan said...

I have heard that Ensure is really good and although you don't like choclate it also comes in many different flavors. But drink it icy and quick if you can.

Just a thought. Hope today is good. I love you.


Mary Moreland said...

If it helps to have the Ensure cold, you might like it blended in the blender. Can you have coffee? Add some chilled coffee to it and you could have a Frappachino! if that doesn't work, add some vodka! Oh and don't forget the wheat germ.
Hope you will be able to enjoy some of this time with Heather. It was good to read her comments this morning. Thank you Heather.
Bye for now.