Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Days 23 and 24

This morning, I am feeling pretty nauseous and not looking forward to another day of medicine. Although it's been a pretty "easy"week so far, I am about to go into days 3-5 and that is when it gets tough.

Yesterday, I did get good news from Reznick. On September 28th, the day I was diagnosed, I gave blood and my beta-hcg count was 287. At that point, they told me that anything under 1000 was considered good risk (in Lance Armstrong's book, he said his was 109,000) and the idea number was under 2. I gave blood on Friday and yesterday heard that my beta-hcg was back under 2 and I felt like it happened quicker than the Dr. expected. This gave me the opportunity to talk with him about cutting the treatment to 3 cycles since everything was going so well and I am not sure how well that went over. I have an appointment with him on Monday and will ask again. After this cycle of chemo and before the next, I will have more scans to see how the treatment is going and that, more than my asking about cutting the treatment short, will determine how many courses we will have.

After yesterday chemo, I went to another breathing specialist as they are still concerned about my higher than normal pulse and the low O2 consumption. On Monday, I am scheduled to do another round of breathing tests at his office and he felt like I might have taken a bad test the first time and he wants me to repeat it to see if we get different results.

That is about it for now. Thank you again for the emails, cards and calls.
Pictures below are of the Chemo area, Addison at Colorado's only El Pollo Loco and Jen&Briley.


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work!! All of your smiles are a joy to see.

Unknown said...

These blogs are really interesting and informative. I'm looking forward to meeting you at the reunion.