Friday, October 26, 2007

CT and Bone Scan

I had the CT Chest scan and body bone scan today. Pretty simple although it took a long time as I had to get an injection at 10am for a 1pm bone scan. I went into the Nuclear scan department and received the shot of a radioactive compound called technetium. As I sat down for the shot, the lady pulled a syringe out of a large sealed container (about the size of a 7 Eleven big gulp cup). The syringe was oddly small next to the container and the amount of Technetium might have been a couple ml's. The shot was quick and then we went to the Rocky Mountain Cancer Center for the CT Scan. Since I was getting a IV, the nurse saw that I have been given a shot earlier in the day and called it a target and went right into the same area. I had to go yesterday and get blood drawn and now both arms have been hit. I'm sure this is a glance into my future....

As I mentioned last week, I expect these scans to come back clear. I follow up with Reznick on Tuesday afternoon and hope to get a start date on any further treatment. At this point, the waiting is the tough part as we talk about the rest of the year and then the conversation tails off with " unless that is a chemo week" or something similar.

We have heard from so many people and it would be hard to list everyone for fear of missing anyone. I just want all of you to know how great it is to have your support and thoughts and even if I have not had a chance to email you back, we (my family) discuss who has commented or emailed I appreciate it.

I post Tuesday night after I talk with Reznick.


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